2010, 2021

Video Ad Spending And YouTube Placements

By |October 20, 2021|Categories: Video Ads|Comments Off on Video Ad Spending And YouTube Placements

Those who have a keen eye on advertising trends are sure to tell you that ad spending increases dramatically every year. It’s true, every time you think ad spending can’t possibly increase, the budget for the same starts bursting at its seams. And why shouldn’t it? Advertisers are actively receiving the kind [...]

2909, 2021

Why Choose Video Ads?

By |September 29, 2021|Categories: Video Ads|Comments Off on Why Choose Video Ads?

Static Display Ads may be the more popular and convenient form of online advertising, but as of late, video ads aren’t far behind. Every major platform online from Instagram to YouTube now features its fair share of video ads. Whether these ads are in the format of influencer reviews or the more [...]

709, 2021

YouTube’s streaming won’t get away from Google Shopping either

By |September 7, 2021|Categories: Video Ads|Comments Off on YouTube’s streaming won’t get away from Google Shopping either

This article was first published in displayadsdeepdive.com In the past few weeks, we’ve been talking a lot about Google Shopping’s new policies, and the “improvements” they are doing in order to create a better user experience. It is pretty clear that the amount of updates created in the recent past is not [...]

609, 2021

Video Ad Review: When A Video Ad Ticks All The Right Boxes

By |September 6, 2021|Categories: Video Ads|Comments Off on Video Ad Review: When A Video Ad Ticks All The Right Boxes

It doesn't matter if I'm working, studying, or trying to relax...I somehow always end up using the internet. This, I believe, is the case with everyone who's been spending an unhealthy amount of time indoors lately. Well, since we're on the internet all the time, it's barely surprising that we watch dozens [...]

1808, 2021

How To Fight Users Getting Annoyed By Video Ads

By |August 18, 2021|Categories: Video Ads|Comments Off on How To Fight Users Getting Annoyed By Video Ads

So over the past few weeks, you’ve been hard at work on your advertising campaign – you’ve hired the best graphic designers, PPC experts, and more to create the perfect video ads for your company. These ads are now featured on various platforms online and can be viewed by thousands – maybe [...]

1808, 2021

Where You Shouldn’t Place Your Ads

By |August 18, 2021|Categories: Video Ads|Comments Off on Where You Shouldn’t Place Your Ads

When you create a Digital Marketing strategy to promote your business online, you should know that making a great ad is only half the job done. It doesn’t matter if you hire the best PPC specialists in the industry to see that your ads have great graphic design and written content if [...]

And, of course, we’re obsessed with making the perfect Youtube video & channel placement platform for you.

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